Philadelphia Metropolitan ABA


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

By Art Dowdy

The Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA) is the regional chapter of the Philadelphia and surrounding areas. The objective of PMABA is to provide continuing education and networking for behavior analysts in an informal setting that has the atmosphere of a social gathering. Another primary goal of the chapter is to increase cohesiveness among local behavior analysts who might otherwise be isolated as a result of working in diverse settings with service providers and researchers who are not behavior analytic, as many of our members are the only behavior analysts at their places of employment. Our email list serve provides announcements on local workshops, conferences, events, as well as employment opportunities and recent legislative or advocacy issues relevant to local behavior analysts.

The PMABA chapter seeks to better serve as a scientific and professional reference and networking group for its members by making a number of changes this year. This year the PMABA chapter has increased its board membership, held business meetings, continued membership efforts, revised bylaws, formalized financial procedures, revised the website, created online paying options, and is renewing its commitment to dissemination of information relevant to local behavior analysts as well as providing continuing education events per year. The chapter is led by the following executive council members: Art Dowdy, president; Amanda Guld Fisher; past president; Beth Rosenwasser, information officer; and Jessica Kendorski, secretary. We are always looking for members interested in getting involved in the organization and taking leadership positions. Please contact us if interested! Anyone interested in becoming a member of the PMABA chapter should visit our website for membership information and contact Beth Rosenwasser at to be added to our email listserv to receive information about upcoming events, job opportunities, and other local behavior analytic information.

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