Dissemination of ABA in Ukraine


By Sophie Ganevitch, 2022 awardee of an International Development Grant

Applied Behavior Analysis has been taught mainly in Russian through remote learning in Ukraine for over 10 years, by BCBAs originally from the region, now residing in Israel and USA. There are currently 4 Behavior Analysts certified by the BACB in Ukraine, and numerous professionals in the field at various levels of training and experience in ABA.

Since the decision of the BACB to no longer offer credentialing of Behavior Analysts outside of the USA and Canada, Ukraine has focused on increasing its independence in establishing Applied Behavior Analysis in Ukraine, and in growing local expertise in the field. A fundamental part of this process is to establish a common language in the field and to make this language accessible to parents and professionals both in and out of the field. Once the terminology is established, modules and course sequences on behavior analysis can be offered through Ukrainian universities. This will be an essential component of the profession becoming recognized in Ukraine.

The SABA grant will be used to translate, typeset and print “The ABA Visual Glossary: Applied Behavior Analysis” by Makoto Shibutani into Ukrainian. This book is highly rated among students and practitioners due to its accessible format, and will establish the language for the profession within Ukraine. It will be used for trainings for parents, teachers and other professionals, and courses on ABA or based on ABA concepts. The grant will ensure access to professional translators and typesetters, and that the project can be completed in a timely manner due to accessibility of funds to support the project.

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