Quebec ABA

By Malena Argumedes
Last year, 2021, was a very unique year, with a global pandemic as a background for a second year. COVID-19 has turned our personal and professional lives upside down, but also the world of applied behavior analysis. We were able to hold our long-awaited 10th annual conference online. Other than that, few official activities are currently planned for our association, pending a return to normal from a health point of view. The board of directors continues to meet virtually, in particular to continue the planning of our yearly conference.
As mentioned, 2021 was also a quiet year for our association, but we still held our 11th Annual Conference online, with stellar international and local presenters. The original venue (University of Quebec in Montreal) is still reserved for our next live conference. Prior to the conference, our yearly newsletter was published on our website.
Our goals for 2022 are to renew our strategic plan and to begin assessing the possibility for our BCBAs in the province to join a professional order in Quebec (for example, the Order of Psychology or Psychoeducation).