Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Sunset

By Nea Houchins-Juarez & Lindsey Brady

The Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis (TABA) was established in 1997 and continues to focus on providing quality continuing education opportunities to Behavior Analysts across the state, supporting various state ABA programs, and ensuring the availability of applied behavior analysis services throughout all three regions. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, TABA has continued coordinating online continuing education opportunities both within regional meetings and the annual conference to ensure members were able to access these benefits safely.  During the 2022, conference we were able to provide a hybrid conference that allowed for attendees to choose their desired attendance modality and offered post-conference access to all CEUs.

     Currently, TABA has approximately 394 members. There is one annual state conference, and three regional meetings hosted each year. The annual conference is typically held in Middle Tennessee as regional meetings are held in each of the three grand regions of the state, Middle, and East. The annual conference provides a central forum to discuss all aspects of researching, planning, and delivering applied behavior analysis services that address the needs of Behavior Analysts across the state, while the regional meetings allow for those needs of local Behavior Analysts to be discussed. Some meetings were conducted in person while others were conducted virtually.

     The 25th Annual Conference was held as a hybrid conference using the BehaviorLive platform on October 28th and 29th. During this conference, approximately 530 Behavior Analysts attended to hear the following qualified invited speakers: Joshua Jessel Ph.D., BCBA-D, Adithyan Rajaraman, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA, and Sarah Trautman, MA, BCBA. Dr. Jessel focused on advances in the Practical Functional Assessment of problem behavior within today’s ABA and advances in the Skill-Based Treatment of problem behavior within today’s ABA. Dr. Rajahraman discussed promoting safety and compassion in the assessment and treatment of dangerous behaviors and extensions in Skills-Based treatment research which included procedural variations and implementer training. Sarah Troutman discussed compassion within ABA

               Our Executive Committee is made up of the following individuals: Nea Houchins-Juaurez as President, Lauren Weaver as President-Elect, Rebekah Williamson as West TN Regional Representative, Stephanie Marshall as Middle TN Regional Representative, Emily Guarino as East TN Regional Representative, Phillip Pearce as West TN Student Officer, Janey Mcdonald as Middle TN Student Officer, and Melissa Young as East TN Student Officer. Our committee chairs include Michelle Hopton, Zachary Stevens, and Mollie Todt (co-chairs, Continuing Education), Erin Szarka (Publications), Brianna Giles (co-chairs, social media), Clinton Smith (Professional Standards), and Zachary Stevens (Membership), Pablo Juarez and James Meindl (Public Policy Committee co-chairs). Lindsey Brady continues as the Director of Operations. Collectively, this group is dedicated to advancing the presence of TABA across the state by finally offering a hybrid conference option, providing engaging opportunities for regional meetings, attempting to reconnect with members in person as permitted, and working to identify current and possible new benefits for TABA members in the future. TABA is active on Facebook and Instagram.

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