Central China ABA

By Xueyi Deng
In 2022, CCABA has fully carried out five major operational activities: certified training, continuing education, membership development, talent training in colleges and universities, conferences and workshops.
Certified Training
To date, 153 people were trained in the CNABA (level D) Training program, and no one obtained the CCaBA (CAPPDR (China Association of Persons with Psychiatric Disability and their Relatives) Certified assistant Behavior Analysist) qualification; 498 people were trained in the CNABA (level C) Training program, and 22 people obtained the CCBA (CAPPDR Certified Behavior Analyst) qualification; 37 people were trained in the SBT Training program, and 9 people obtained the CCBSA (CAPPDR Certified Behavior Supervision Analyst) qualification; 73 people were trained in the CNABA (level B) Training program, and 7 people obtained the CCBSA-B (CAPPDR Certified Behavior Supervision Analyst -Bachelor) qualification; 3 people were trained in the CNABA (level A) Training program, and 3 people obtained the CCBSA-M (CAPPDR Certified Behavior Supervision Analyst -Master) qualification.
Continuing Education
In 2022, CCABA has invited many BCBAs and BCBA-Ds to carry out continuing education credit courses with the following themes: The importance of “analysis” in ABA teaching practice; The similarities and differences between VB and DTT in practice; From VB-MAPP Assessment to Verbal Behavior Intervention; The introduction of DATA model (1); PEAK -A New Tool for VB Assessment and Teaching; Determining what to teach: The Assessment of DATA model (2); The integration of family education and institutional education from the perspective of behavioral analysis; The Integration of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) And Verbal Behavior (VB) in Early Intensive Behavior Intervention (EIBI); DATA Model (3): Dynamic evaluation and practical case study; What is PBS? How family-centred PBS can enhance your practice?; DATA Model (4): How to Develop an IEP; DATA Model (5): Planning for Instruction Part 1; How to use VB-MAPP and ABLLS-R in combination; The concept and importance of preschool inclusive education; The school-wide intervention: How to support the children with disabilities in inclusive preschool; Use differentiated instruction to support children with disability to participate independently.
Membership Development
To date, the number of CCABA members has grown to 387, including 314 individual members and 73 institutional members.
Talent Training in Colleges and Universities
CCABA has supported to date Guangxi College for Preschool Education- the first university that provides specialized training to develop ABA talents in China- to establish the ABA major, enrolling more than 100 students each year.
Conferences and Workshops
In 2022, CCABA has held professional conferences with the theme of “Grow with star”, which were broadcast live on the Internet. During these conferences, the Chairperson of CAPPDR or the Secretary General of CCABA made an opening statement, which were followed by a joint discussion on a professional topic with experts (BCBAs) invited by CCABA and expert-teachers from local cities (BCaBAs or CCBSAs), while the front-line teachers of local institutions listened to the statements and speeches and could ask questions to experts. The topics discussed included “How to better carry out relevant services in the pandemic”, “The realities and needs of special education teachers”, “How to support the growth of a special education teacher from the perspective of career development”, “How to support the growth of an autistic child”, “What is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation and education of people with autism”, “The feelings and emotions of autistic children”, “Children unable to attend school (confusing class rules) despite the progress made in the areas of cognition and oral language after training”. To date, the conferences have been held in Suzhou, Wuhan, Yantai, Xuzhou, Xi’an and other cities. CCABA has also invited Lou Xiaofang (BCBA) to carry out an online live workshop with the theme of “The Effective Use of ABLLS-R and VB-MAPP”.