Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy
By Yunhee Shin
The Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior (KACBT) is a multidisciplinary nonprofit professional association with growing membership and an increasing number of alliances with like-minded organizations. KACBT has met with the preparatory committee of the Korean Association for Behavior Analysis to discuss managing licensure of Korean clinical behavior therapists in connection with international licensure. KACBT’s mission is to share ABA information and collaborate with behavior therapists, parents, and others. Since 2009, KACBT has held many meetings, seminars, and conferences, as well as a case conference in collaboration with Daegu Cyber University, which also has a VCS program and QASP-S program in its department of behavior therapy. We shared with them a list of Korean practice organizations and suggested a supervision training program. KACBT is focused on challenging behavior of children and adolescents, offering support to caregivers and practitioners via workshops and case conferences. We have also connected with many clinics and organizations to provide positive behavior support.
- 2023 Summer seminars
Date : June. Date is not decided.
Venue : Daegu Learning Center, Daegu Cyber University - 2023 Autumn Conference
This conference has not yet been set.
KACBT consists not only of college members, including professors and undergraduate students, but practitioners, special education teachers, and behavior analysts. We hope this joining of professors, researchers, and teachers will aid in efforts toward progress in the field of behavior therapy, and we welcome new members.