Idaho ABA

By Audrey Kennedy
The Idaho Association of Behavior Analysis (IdABA) is the Idaho affiliate chapter of ABAI. We are a younger association, officially signing our bylaws in 2019 and becoming an affiliate chapter in 2022. IdABA finished up 2022 with a total of 72 members. Though a small, growing association, we are doing great things for behavior analysis in Idaho. IdABA has had an annual conference since 2021. Due to our small membership, the rural nature of our state, and the pandemic, our past conferences have been virtual. We are very excited to host our first in-person conference this coming April 2023.
IdABA’s committee membership and activity continues to increase. This past year our CEU committee has grown and we continue to offer free quarterly CEUs to our members. New this year, our mentorship committee has begun to offer free mentorship opportunities to members. Being a rural state, and with a high percentage of newly certified behavior analysts, some of our practitioners can feel isolated and on their own. Our association is excited to support the ability to grow the capacity and skills of our newer analysts.
IdABA continues to work hard to disseminate behavior analysis and remove barriers to practicing applied behavior analysis in the state. This coming year a key objective and goal of the association is to work with insurers to ease credentialing and billing processes of private insurance.